Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bare Trees, Furry Horses

I did venture out with the camera after the post.
Summer Breeze Dance in her winter breeze coat.

I haven't snapped any farm photos lately, I guess the bareness of the current landscape is not as inspiring as the former glory of color. Bare branches reach for the sky, as though looking for some warmth, like me. I pause in the garage where the warmth of the gas stove warms frozen, mucky work boots and for a moment me too. "In" is a blessing, having somewhere to be "in." God does not owe me the warmth of home, but he gives. Out there... the horses have grown their furry winter outerwear. I had to rake it out today, the mud cakes, and then the fur can't do it's job, equine comfort. It's also my lazy season as far as barn work goes, I don't like to linger too long, "out" there. Winter has come early here, snow already flying and making us keep the weatherman tuned. I suppose I need to go "out" and find the beauty in the chill, so I can post it for you, tomorrow perhaps, we'll see.
The early winter kept my family from making it in for Thanksgiving, the Shenandoahs s stood in the way. A cozy, small, and very thankful family were we though. We scribbled thoughts of our thankfulness, for one another, and shared them. We prayed. And we ate the celebratory bird till our sides were more stuffed than his (actually I didn't stuff the bird this year.) We sadly had to return our young man back to the land of academia, but he'll be home again soon. Then came the other holiday, The First Day of "Buck." It is a school, no work more food, and visiting with neighbors to see what they got. Happily, my husband got his deer, an eight point, he wasn't elated, but satisfied. He's been chronicling all of his deer encounters and drawing, naming and cataloging these guys since archery season, which came a few weeks back, so he KNOWS the bigger ones are out there, and he didn't get them, but alas he is done. Till next year. But there's Christmas next, and that should keep him busy enough, pushing down the dreams of big antlers for a while.

Psalm 107:8
O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men.
Dakota desperately hoping for frozen frogs

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