Today is colder still. It was twenty-two in the barn this a.m. when mom fed the equines. Tonight it's down to 11 degrees. Brrr. Florida is sounding appealing 'bout now. Really, we've had little cold weather to speak of and the 5 day says near 60 in a few days, so hangin' on for that. Not a lot going on here, a slow hop back into the wonderful world of homeschooling. Percents in math. Sara's eagerly watching the mail for a birdsong book and some new Nancy Drew's. Matthew's even studying ahead in chem/physics??? (spending more time on Facebook.) A brief bow & arrow trek for dad after work, and mom's off to worship practice. Grateful for the mercys' of God in the mundane of life. Reminding us to pray for those many folks who come to mind... that are in a crisis, rather than the mundane.
Here's a picture that tickles the funny bone, our goofy dog, Dakota, thought our rotten pumpkin looked a lot like a ball! He's about 2 yrs old and lots of pup still in him. He's been mischieveous lately, picking up little things, like today... Sara's glittery purple pencil, the favorite, then chewing them up.
Below is our old doggie Nika(14), with Josh the cat, Peace on earth for the pets, under the Christmas tree.
Well, too many pet pics for 1 day, but pets are everywhere at the farm! Matthew says he'll post his "official" picture soon. Well, stay warm Northerners, and G'night!