Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What a Wind!

Last night we had a mighty wind blowin' in these woods. Maybe you were in its path too. I was awakened at around 4:30 to the furious sound. It seemed we'd any minute be on our way to Oz. I lay fretting a bit about how the horses were fairing. They each have a double door, and we didn't close the top. So, I got myself up and went out into the night to shut the horse doors. It was the kind of weather that makes you hurry, lest something fly at you and render you unconscious. I actually drove the short journey to the barn , and secured it. If the doors are open they can come unhooked in a strong wind and flap into a horses head, which can lead to injury and vet bills. That thought got me up out of bed. All was well, except Josh, the cat, was meowing miserably, trapped in the barn, in the scary storm, wanting to be in the warm, safe house. Scooped him up and tried to drive back with a wiggly cat on my lap. Back home, into bed. Can't sleep, wide awake...............A long time passed, finally fell asleep. THE ALARM GOES OFF, turn it off, back to sleep. The phone rings, it's for Sara, back to sleep. Finally, get up, oh my it's 9, get the kids going, feed the equines. A new day. Graded papers today, meeting at church tonight. Home, blog, now time to sleep again. Hopefully less wind tonight, G'night