Today was a special day, our niece came for a visit before heading to China to teach. She is a great adventurer, and is kind of the opposite of "we homebodies." But we love and appreciate her, a small part of us longing for a vicarious tag along. She is a dear, and Sara's special bud. We would love to travel, but during this season of life we are not able to do much of that. Maybe someday. It was a warm and cozy visit with lunch, a warm fire in the fireplace and nice conversation. Wish she could have stayed, but adventure calls the adventurer onward.... (we're grateful for her coming!)
After the visit, Sara headed up to the pond with the push broom on an adventure of her own, cleaned off the new snow and popped her ice skates on . She enjoyed her first skate on her little pond. In the summer it is a frog's haven and even now we can see little tadpoles swimming about under the ice! I guess they arrived early because of some midwinter warmth. It is amazing to see how all of nature works together so intricately, bringing praise to The Creator God. We are grateful today for life, new life in Christ and we pray for our friends who are marching for life today in D.C. ...may all people see the preciousness of each and every little soul.