Today, was horse day. Horses were fed and wondered why they weren't allowed to exit the barn after breakfast, as usual on a nice day. It was farrier day. So one by one each horse comes out to get his/her individualized horsie manicure. It was a good day because all horses behaved and all hooves were healthy. It's the last visit before the "deep-freeze visits" begin, in 10 weeks, ugh. Sara did her school work while I attended to the 20 horse feet. Afterward... lunch, then Sara's riding lesson. What a blessing to have such a beautiful day to ride at this time of year, it was hot enough to bring out horse sweat and some flies too. I worked the little pony who has gotten a bit chubby since Sara got Zoe, the new horse. They both got hosed. Then I rode my horse, Redi, he is a beautiful animal and he is my buddy. He was perfectly behaved although he's received little attention since school began. We jumped some little jumps and he really likes it, so maybe in spring we'll go bigger (a little, I'm a chicken.) Feed the horses their dinner, and then head over to make ours...day is done.
Tomorrow, is a new day, and I really need God's favor as my house now looks like I've been running for days, and the dishes, well, there are none. So, tomorrow that's the first order of business (then lesson plan for class on friday). Sara has to quickly cram a full day of school into the a.m., so she can roller-skate in the afternoon. Then I become the cleaning dervish, whirling through my home with amazing super-human cleaning ability. I do need to trust God for such things as they can easily weigh me down and cause me to fear (what if the dishes pile up and up and up forever? and I can never get them done?). God is concerned with the small things, because the small things can teach me to trust Him and that's not so small.
Psalm 37:3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;
5 Commit your way to the Lord;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
4 Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
trust in him, and HE will act.