Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Weekend of Snowy Fun

My Headache Yesterday

Yesterday was a very eventful day. Early rise to be to church early for worship team practice, worship service. A great message from my pastor required a lot of extra effort for me since I've had a nagging headache for three days. So was ready to head out the door right away and home to bed, completely focused on myself, my pain, my needs. The Lord had something to say to me about my pain and self-focus. It is interesting that pain is a gift from him which I dare say reveals more about us than we'd often like to know. I left church with thoughts only of my bed and myself, period. Shortly after getting on the expressway home I came upon an accident scene with a little boy with a desperate look on his face and a mother waving for help. It was a serious accident. I pulled over because there were no emergency workers on the scene, and the little boy's desperate look was irresistible. "My boot, my boot," he cried, his snowboot laying in the expressway. I guess a coping mechanism kicked in for him to be focused on the boot, with his own pain, a wrecked truck and dad laying helplessly in the snow. I reassured him that I'd get his boot, and did. Another gentleman helped me get him settled on the tail gate of the truck and assess how he was. He seemed to have minor injuries, maybe a broken foot. I walked from that scene to where I guess Dad had been thrown to, he was in serious condition. His skull was broken and brain exposed, but he was breathing. I removed the other little boy from that scene, knowing these were not good images for a small child to linger on and held his hand at his brother's side waiting for help. I was privileged to be able to hold a confused little boy's hand and hold mom as moments later her husband was life flighted away. As I left the scene, my thoughts were no longer on myself or on my headache. God had shown me real need. I was no longer longing to satisfy myself, comfort myself...a small glimspe of what an hour could be for if not spent caring for me. I'm grateful for my headache and what it taught me.

(Please say a prayer for this family, I don't know how things turned out)