Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Day Before, Easter, Today

Changable, that's how I'd describe our weather over the past few days. These top two shots were the day before Easter when we got several inches of new snow. Dakota is obviously enjoying it more at this point than the humans , who've been led to believe that Easter is in the SPRINGTIME...
I was wondering how all the folks planning Easter egg hunts would like this weather. It would be easy to spot the eggs in the white snow I guess, UNLESS you buried them, hee...hee....
Still beautiful even if we're ready to say goodbye winter!
Wonderful worship at SGC, and happy chocotate grins preceded the most anticipated time of celebrating with dear friends.The Easter gathering was tons of fun! Below, the collegiate and almost collegiate guys having a little fun during dinner~ Dinner was followed by an Apples to Apples game with 15 players... all at one table...
Today, we took Matthew back to GCC, it was supposed to be an a.m. trip and prolonged itself to become a p.m. trip. This is a little pony that I always admire, NO, I do not need or want another horse (but he's sooooo cute!) We passed him on the way back, as you can see the weather did change from Sat to Mon.
Now a deep breath for the family as we depart from a happy, busy few days. The Lord blessed us with the sweetest times with our son, with our friends and with Him.