Yesterday was our first big riding day. The weather had been nice enough before, but the people weren't healthy. So, we got to enjoy the most glorious spring day, outside on our horses. Now, horsey people know, that a horse that hasn't been ridden for a while is prone to all sorts of naughty behavior. They test you afresh as to whether you mean business, they want to have a little spring party fun and GO! They can also completely forget the place (and familiar sights) where they've ridden time after time after time...and react in fright. We had a little of that, but overall no major mishaps or unhappiness. My horse is naturally "scary" about new things, so he was nervous, but did well overall and I stayed on, that's most important. Sara rode Ricky the pony, and he was his usual hyper self, but behaved well also. She did have a minor problem, when she wasn't quite "tuned-in" to pony body language. He was at the end of the ride and started pawing the ground, which is what horses do before they reward themselves with a nice roll in the dirt. Maybe she thought he just wouldn't dare, but he did...and down they went. So, she had to bale off and then let the naughty pony have it. Sara didn't appreciate her mother laughing at the situation, but it was such a funny picture, and she really was in no danger. All in all it was very pleasant day.
Today was walking day three, nice weather has helped get me going. I'm enjoying the spring sightings, daffodils, nesting birds and gobbling turkeys. It's a great time to pray and think, which I find I really needed more that the extra half hour of sleep or GMA.
I like the alone time while I do barn chores too, another great time for thought and prayer. The horses have all been getting out a lot and that makes for a peaceful herd of equines. The rain just started to come down, the April showers the poem promises. I should run to the barn and put the horses in, but they'll be o.k. for a bit.
This afternoon is laundry time, and I'm going to be thinking about finding joy in the mundane, finding my joy in God while I work and thinking about the dear folks that I serve while I fold, sort and put it all away.
Ps.71:23 My lips will shout for joy,
when I sing praises to you;
my soul also, which you have redeemed.
24 And my tongue will talk of your righteous help all the day long