Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Playoffs, this and that...

Playoffs yesterday and today for football fans, a bit anticlimactic for Steeler fans, which we are. Even more anticlimactic for my son, and various friends who are Ravens fans. We were Ravens fans, but since Barry/I grew up in the Terry Bradshaw superbowl era....our allegiance went North, so to say, with us when we moved back to Steeler country. Basically, we now wait for the undoing of my brother-in-law's favorite team, which starts with a P and ends with atriots. I must say that seems unlikely this year, we'll see.

A few days since posting, Barry started playing with our church volleyball team last week. He and Matthew worked on our pond overflow, cementing. Sara took a babysitting class on friday and is enjoying Nancy Drew mysteries. Matthew's winding down his break with a lot of leisure, facebook, and a little physics/chemistry, and reading Jonathan Edwards. He heads back to college next weekend. Barry assumes a lot of the horse chores on the weekends, which gives me a much appreciated break, as they require attention 2x/day every day. He's kind to me. I'm doing some preparations for the homeschool class I'll be teaching soon, research paper writing. I've taught this before, so it's familiar. I finished up grading last semesters papers/tests this week. Sara's homeschool coop resumes in two weeks. Tomorrow, we take the stray/adopted kitties, Scout and Savannah to get their shots, dig out the weekend mess, and homeschool.

Our pastor taught today on using the Lord's prayer Luke 11:1-4 as a pattern and guideline to help us know how to pray. He reminded us of Jesus' revealing God as Father, how this was not the way God was seen before Christ. As we come to Christ, by His grace, we now have a Father, who is our God. We carry our cares to a Father, who cares for us. A good Father, who knows our hopes, our weaknesses, our thoughts and our desires and loves us as no human is capable of. I'm encouraged to pray to my Father this week, who adopted me and calls me his child. Please join us as we pray for a friend's little boy who will undergo open heart surgery this week, thanks. Have a great week everyone.