Before & After
Sara has been busy in the kitchen this week. After being tempted by a yummy Rachel Ray dish, we decided to give it a try-Eggplant Steaks. Sara really likes eggplant, so we dove into the unknown and conquered the eggplant. We're happy to report that they worked out just as Rachel promised (see the lovely golden brown eggplant perfection above.) They weren't quite done in this shot, they had to get sauced (tomato/pesto), cheesed and broiled. Mmmmm! Yummy stuff. The chef is a bit under the weather now, but still managed to make a mean banana bread tonight. For the recipe, I must give credit to my dear old (but very young) friend residing in sunny FL. I couldn't make banana bread until she shared her recipe, mine were overdone ALL the time. She saved me from dark brown banana bread. We're hoping the chef will be feeling better by tomorrow for homeschool co-op.
No school today, sick girl watched TV most of the day. Banana bread was the only deviation. Valentines day celebrating was low key, we prefer to go out over the weekend when we don't have to compete for our dinner table. Not much goin' on here, we don't travel out a lot with the snow and gas prices as they are. Just simple days. But God is teaching/challenging in the simple days. I am being changed. I have been praying that God would increase my desire for Him... I know that He is pleased when I see my need for Him. Last night, I got a glimpse of my ugly heart, as selfishness oozed from me. When I come to my senses (because the Holy Spirit doesn't let me stay there), I wonder, 'how can I be a new creation?' (he says I am.) I excused my sin. I must remember what Jesus accomplished, this is the truth:
No school today, sick girl watched TV most of the day. Banana bread was the only deviation. Valentines day celebrating was low key, we prefer to go out over the weekend when we don't have to compete for our dinner table. Not much goin' on here, we don't travel out a lot with the snow and gas prices as they are. Just simple days. But God is teaching/challenging in the simple days. I am being changed. I have been praying that God would increase my desire for Him... I know that He is pleased when I see my need for Him. Last night, I got a glimpse of my ugly heart, as selfishness oozed from me. When I come to my senses (because the Holy Spirit doesn't let me stay there), I wonder, 'how can I be a new creation?' (he says I am.) I excused my sin. I must remember what Jesus accomplished, this is the truth:
2 Cor 5:15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised..... 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.... in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them...20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
I must trust His word is true, He forgives me. Not because of my goodness, but because of His mercy. I am a new creation and his ambassador.