This morning I was reading Matthew 6:22...
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!".... pondering it's meaning and how the eye connects to the heart. Blue, brown, hazel those don't tell you much about the heart. Squinty, lazy, cross-eyed, don't tell much about the heart. God looks upon our hearts, and the health he is concerned with here is spiritual not physical. My eye, if it is a lamp, lights the way, implying direction. A lamp also reveals what was in darkness, like a flashlight which shines all the way to my heart. What is my eye focused on today? What is it focused on in life? The direction of my gaze, is my goal and my direction. I am to be a traveler with my eye on the journey's end. God's glory is the journey's end. Did I wake up this morning with my eye focused on God's glory? How can my day and my heart glorify Him? If I'm not rowing in the right direction, where am I headed? Lots of questions. God wants our gaze to be upon him, not wandering here and there or over our shoulder (you know what happened with the over the shoulder glance...I don't want to be a pillar!) The things of this world are like a shiny lure to a big fish, but in the end lead to death. There are so many worthless things which can turn my eye, but I have a Saviour who is glorious. Lord, help me today to keep my gaze on you, You are better.