Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's New?

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What's new on the farm? Well, our baby girl is now sweet 16, able to get her learner's permit, wow! Time flies by. She had a wonderful surprise party over the weekend with many friends, smiles and ice skating. She was quite stunned by the surprise. We have Matthew home until Jan 18. The horses have "barn" fever, and can only get out occasionally due to the weather and mucky ground (which can be dangerous for them.) We now have 6 cats, and ALL are currently living inside! Ugh, it's a long story. Three were indoor cats, one new little kitty came in when it got cold and two remained in the barn. Then they needed to be neutered/spayed and came in to recover. They liked in...and the house cat chased them out of the barn after they recovered. So, they're in. We enjoyed the Christmas holiday with a houseful of family from out-of-town, and though no white Christmas, it was wonderful. More family arrived for the New Year. Now the house is quiet... school and work have resumed. Does anyone else flounder after being without a schedule for so long? It sure takes me a while to get into a groove.

This is a time of year for contemplation and analysis for me. Where is my life headed? Am I on the course that I want to be on? What kinds of corrections need to be made to get me back on course and what new roads may need to be traveled? New Years Resolutions? Well, yes, I have a few of those. But I'm more interested in why I was sidetracked from my previous goals. Where did I go wrong? I have to look below the surface of each goal. Yes, I want to keep up with my Blog better. Yes, I want to lose weight. Yes, I want to eat healthier foods and be more active. Yes, I want to have a more even disposition, less anger and more joy. All noble goals, but without help I know where these resolutions end where. I need help to succeed and strength to stand against temptation. And most needy I am for grace and mercy to start over when the inevitable failure occurs. Success does not come from within... from will power. I have a lot more won't power than will power. I need a source of resources beyond my own, I need God. My greatest need for change is not found in any of my resolutions, my greatest need is for more of Him. So my resolution is to look to Him in all these things. I want to see struggles become victories, and then God gets all the credit which He alone is due.

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