Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

As a deer....

Psalm 42
1 As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.

I am thankful that God makes my heart restless until it finds rest in Him. All of the things that we hope will satisfy, do not, and so we are restless. Restless and thirsty. I was trying to imagine the parched deer in the Psalm above, the picture in my mind was a pitiful one, not like the handsome satisfied deer in this photo. I also thought, this is how the deer which the hunters have brought in on our farm look. They of course will not thirst again, but the desperate, tongue hanging image remains. I want to be this desperate for God. I'm asking God to make me this desperate, thirsty, parched. Jesus knew I would be thirsty, he knew what I needed, the water only He can give. Without water we cannot live, but John 4 says,
10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”
My need is for God, not for anything this world can give. He offers the water, He wants to give it.
John 7:37 Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What a face

This is Josh, he is the class clown among cats. Hang around awhile and I'm sure you'll see more kitties. If you don't like cats, we have dogs and horses too. The animals teach us a lot about ourselves. They bring out the best and worst in us, God uses them to show us our hearts all the time!

The horses lept for joy today, they twisted, turned, bucked and reared all for the joy of freedom. They've been cooped up in the barn for a while, so today when the doors flew open... They were FREE! They rolled in the mud, they rolled in the snow. I need to remember the joy of freedom is mine always. I'm not cooped up, I am free. Lord, give me a heart of joy as free as my horses, to realize what you've given in Christ, sweet freedom.

Sara did a cool experiment today on the fragility of enzymes, it is so amazing to see how heating fresh pineapple totally destroys the enzymes in it. Our bodies need enzymes and because they are so fragile they must be constantly renewed. That is how fragile we are, that is how dependent we are on someone to hold it all together. Who can hold together enzymes that our bodies need ? Who can
continually recreate them to sustain us? I never even thought about enzymes in our bodies before today. I surely can't do anything to will these enzymes to function, and yet they do. It is marvelous. Science taught me today anew about God: He holds all things together! I know this, but when I see it, wow...
Psalm 139
13For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
17How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Fudge

Well, the fudge wasn't fudge. It became a sort of chocolate taffy, very chewy. The kids think it tastes great so it's "all good." The weekend was designated for barn cleanup since the weather was a bit milder. Barry hauled several loads of sawdust from a local Amish sawmill yesterday. We use this as bedding for our horses' stalls. He got to chat will the Amish man, who was harvesting. "What do you think the Amish harvest in January?" he came home and asked Sara. Puzzled....Barry, with a glint answered, "ice." They were cutting the ice from their pond, for their ice houses-big, insulated refrigerators that will last through until next winter. After returning with sawdust there was a lot of manure to remove. Manure is a family affair for us, which makes it much more enjoyable. It took two days to finish. Only part of today actually. Started today early, a bit of snow to negotiate on the way to church...I'm still a southerner (and we were never that far south anyway!) as far as snow driving goes. I'm not very confident with it, I pray a lot! I was thinking about the hymn, It is Well with my Soul, as I travelled, and God stirred my faith in Him. Another "joy-full" Sunday morning of worship and teaching. Afterward errands, lunch out and then a Sunday nap. Then, back to the manure :) All the beasts now much more comfortable. Last night was "games night"at the farm, it was a whale of a good time!!!! So crazy, we enjoyed real side splitting laughter! Friends are a precious gift that we thank God for. This blog has given wonderful opportunity to remember and think about all of His blessings, and recount them to you. This is the same God, who also gave His son so that anyone who would call on his name would be saved. And it's never too late so long as you're breathing.

Friday, January 25, 2008

What a glorious day! As you can see from the photo, Sara and Co. had a ball tonight skating on the rock solid pond. Dad tested it out first, and declared it safe and sound. It was sooo cold, but the kids were too busy 'in the moment' to notice. Eventually they realized that their fingers were not happy, then into the warm house for some hot chocolate, pizza and video games. They cooked fudge, well we're hoping it will be fudge...they forgot to read the recipe and just assembled the ingredients. They were supposed to cook some separately, so I'm a bit concerned at the outcome. It was fun anyway, it could always be an ice cream topping if it's not fudge.

Today was the first day "back to school" for our homeschooling group. Sara enjoyed art, writing and helping the kindergartners build marshmallow buildings. I taught research paper writing, helped set up a mom's lounge , and helped the most delighted kindergartners who were finger painting with chocolate pudding. Their beautiful faces (You mean we really get to paint with pudding, AND we're allowed to lick off our hands as we paint??? wooohoooo!!!) made my day. Another smile: the mom's in the new mom's lounge, in pleasant conversation, relaxing together.

Psalm 133

A song of ascents. Of David.
1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!

2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.

3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

It was good and pleasant for the kids, and the moms, and doesn't this glorify our Good God, the giver of all good.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Beautiful Sunset by Sara

We had such a beautiful sunset tonight, it drew Sara out into the bitter cold to snap some pics, no gloves, brrr. She really enjoys photography, comes by it honestly. Both my dad and mom have been photographers and Barry really enjoys it as well, though he hasn't had time to develop it as he'd like. So, here are a few she took out beyond our family room doors, toward the barn.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
Those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs. You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. Ps65:8
It is still very cold and we have a pretty cover of snow, a bit more to come tomorrow, maybe an inch. We're cheering for a bit more since we haven't had enough for sledding or x-country skiing yet. Sara's feet have probably grown large for her boots though, so that will slow the skiing. We'll see. She loves to ski. I wasn't able to do much skiing last year, due to some knee issues, so hoping to get out this winter. Mattthew is settled in to school and reports that he likes his new profs. He's enjoying himself because he read ahead in his books over break and now he's "kickin' back" while his friends are reading. Well, it took forever to download those pictures, so now it's way past my bedtime.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Visit from our niece

Today was a special day, our niece came for a visit before heading to China to teach. She is a great adventurer, and is kind of the opposite of "we homebodies." But we love and appreciate her, a small part of us longing for a vicarious tag along. She is a dear, and Sara's special bud. We would love to travel, but during this season of life we are not able to do much of that. Maybe someday. It was a warm and cozy visit with lunch, a warm fire in the fireplace and nice conversation. Wish she could have stayed, but adventure calls the adventurer onward.... (we're grateful for her coming!)

After the visit, Sara headed up to the pond
with the push broom on an adventure of her own, cleaned off the new snow and popped her ice skates on . She enjoyed her first skate on her little pond. In the summer it is a frog's haven and even now we can see little tadpoles swimming about under the ice! I guess they arrived early because of some midwinter warmth. It is amazing to see how all of nature works together so intricately, bringing praise to The Creator God. We are grateful today for life, new life in Christ and we pray for our friends who are marching for life today in D.C. ...may all people see the preciousness of each and every little soul.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saying goodbye

BRRRRRRR.......It is cold here! It's 9 degrees, -4 windchill, for my friends in FL, that should cool you off just thinking about it. Just watched the Giants beat the Packers in Green Bay where the temp is 4 below. You may have noted from my frequent references to cold, that I really prefer warmth. I really enjoy looking out the window at beautiful snowy scenery. I DO have to go out in the cold 2x daily to care for the friendly beasts in the barn. It is such a wonderful blessing to have our animals so close to the house. Funny how far it seems to the barn when I don't want to go out in the cold, like tonight. But, I did. The horses are all snuggled in their blankets (a horse coat.) They were very happy that I ventured out. Sara tested the waters, so to say today. Our pond is frozen solid and she was drawn to it, skating in her shoes. Maybe we'll get the skates out tomorrow. How blessed we are by God to have warm homes to live in. I cannot imagine trying to survive out in the elements like our pioneer ancestors. God's care for me extends far beyond the warmth of my home though. He cares for my soul. And now He is preparing a place for me with Him where I will always enjoy the warmth of His love. In this world there is trouble, hardship and cold, but for those who trust in Christ a better place awaits.

Our big news of the day was saying goodbye, again, to our son. Back to college after a long, relaxing visit. Matthew assisted his non-techie parents with various wiring projects before departing. Loaded the car as though he was moving out for good. He is always missed when he leaves ... he is pleasure to have around. This afternoon he said goodbye to his high-school buddies and later was greeted with a hearty welcome by his dorm brothers. This semester chemistry, more calculus, and the rest I can't remember at this moment. He made it through his first semester successfully and is more prepared to face the second. Sara did better this time, she always gets weepy when he goes. I'll miss him more tomorrow when the house is quiet. I'm thankful that we had such a long visit and that the next one is only a month away. Isn't God kind to give us families.
G'Night All

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lazarus lived the abundant life

Not a lot of news today, a normal day at home with school, farm work and household chores. Still nursing the wounded horse; Helping Sara grapple with basic chemistry (in biology). She's doing a cool osmosis experiment, dissolving the shell off of an egg, then seeing how it's membrane allows things to pass to and fro, the egg expanding, contracting expanding....pretty cool; Preparing for my upcoming writing class and making sure Matthew's laundry is ready to leave with him on Sunday (boo, hoo... to him leaving, the laundry can go). Barry played volleyball tonight, it wasn't their night. Speaking of boo hoo...

Why did Jesus weep at Lazarus' death? Today I had that question hit me several times, in a devotional, then later the exact same text from John 11 on a radio show. The teachers had different angles, but I knew for me, God had something to say. When He repeats himself I need to take notice. It seems that in God's loving compassion for us, Jesus wept, angry at death and it's effects of pain and suffering, on us, his children. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Christ died to accomplish that victory. Now, I must respond and put off the old, dead (stinkin' in the ground) self and be made new... put on the new self. I cannot bring about change in myself, but I must make the decision to put on this abundant life Christ died to give. How do you imagine Lazarus lived life after being resurrected by Jesus? Did he go back to life as usual? I doubt it. I want to passionately pursue God as though Jesus had done for me what he did for Lazarus, because he did. I'm so grateful that God would say something to me twice just to remind me.

Praying for Jon, he had surgery today~ G'Night

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Promised Official Pic

Hey Amy and anybody else out there,
Here he is, handsome fella, huh? Well, a mom's gotta brag, right? There are many things to brag on. Mostly, this is a Godly man of character. Which is not our doing, but God's. It's kinda funny addressing your baby boy as a man, but that is what he has become. Anyway, I promised a while ago to post this, but first had to locate the CD. Not a very eventful day on the farm...doctoring a fairly nasty wound on the forehead of our appendix quarter horse mare. We think she reared up into the door frame. She probably could have done with a few stitches, but, we'll see how it goes. It has to be scrubbed out and medicated a couple times a day. Shoveled out a few stalls. The kitties got their shots without a hitch. The momma kitty, whom we wondered as to whether she might be "with kitty" again.... may or may not be. She is confirmed to be fat either way. She was malnourished, skinny at the end of the summer when she appeared with her last brood. Life at our farm seems to agree with her, no lack of cat chow here. She goes back in 3 weeks for boosters, when we'll "surely know." I found out today that a cat's gestation is only 2 months. Fascinating, huh? Well, I'm off to read my bible a bit and hit the hay. The Lord bless you all,

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Playoffs, this and that...

Playoffs yesterday and today for football fans, a bit anticlimactic for Steeler fans, which we are. Even more anticlimactic for my son, and various friends who are Ravens fans. We were Ravens fans, but since Barry/I grew up in the Terry Bradshaw superbowl era....our allegiance went North, so to say, with us when we moved back to Steeler country. Basically, we now wait for the undoing of my brother-in-law's favorite team, which starts with a P and ends with atriots. I must say that seems unlikely this year, we'll see.

A few days since posting, Barry started playing with our church volleyball team last week. He and Matthew worked on our pond overflow, cementing. Sara took a babysitting class on friday and is enjoying Nancy Drew mysteries. Matthew's winding down his break with a lot of leisure, facebook, and a little physics/chemistry, and reading Jonathan Edwards. He heads back to college next weekend. Barry assumes a lot of the horse chores on the weekends, which gives me a much appreciated break, as they require attention 2x/day every day. He's kind to me. I'm doing some preparations for the homeschool class I'll be teaching soon, research paper writing. I've taught this before, so it's familiar. I finished up grading last semesters papers/tests this week. Sara's homeschool coop resumes in two weeks. Tomorrow, we take the stray/adopted kitties, Scout and Savannah to get their shots, dig out the weekend mess, and homeschool.

Our pastor taught today on using the Lord's prayer Luke 11:1-4 as a pattern and guideline to help us know how to pray. He reminded us of Jesus' revealing God as Father, how this was not the way God was seen before Christ. As we come to Christ, by His grace, we now have a Father, who is our God. We carry our cares to a Father, who cares for us. A good Father, who knows our hopes, our weaknesses, our thoughts and our desires and loves us as no human is capable of. I'm encouraged to pray to my Father this week, who adopted me and calls me his child. Please join us as we pray for a friend's little boy who will undergo open heart surgery this week, thanks. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What a Wind!

Last night we had a mighty wind blowin' in these woods. Maybe you were in its path too. I was awakened at around 4:30 to the furious sound. It seemed we'd any minute be on our way to Oz. I lay fretting a bit about how the horses were fairing. They each have a double door, and we didn't close the top. So, I got myself up and went out into the night to shut the horse doors. It was the kind of weather that makes you hurry, lest something fly at you and render you unconscious. I actually drove the short journey to the barn , and secured it. If the doors are open they can come unhooked in a strong wind and flap into a horses head, which can lead to injury and vet bills. That thought got me up out of bed. All was well, except Josh, the cat, was meowing miserably, trapped in the barn, in the scary storm, wanting to be in the warm, safe house. Scooped him up and tried to drive back with a wiggly cat on my lap. Back home, into bed. Can't sleep, wide awake...............A long time passed, finally fell asleep. THE ALARM GOES OFF, turn it off, back to sleep. The phone rings, it's for Sara, back to sleep. Finally, get up, oh my it's 9, get the kids going, feed the equines. A new day. Graded papers today, meeting at church tonight. Home, blog, now time to sleep again. Hopefully less wind tonight, G'night

Monday, January 7, 2008

God speaks in a barn

Had wonderful weather today, those 60 degree temps that were promised arrived. Wow, gotta love this in January. When the weather is warm the horsey care is easier. When it freezes we carry our hose to and from the barn. When it freezes, the spoiled little pony with insulin-resistance, gets his hay (which must be soaked in water to reduce sugar content), toted to and from the barn as well. So warm weather lightens the load. Warm weather also makes me linger in the barn to do the chores. Mucking stalls is much more appealing on days like today. Although frozen pony poop can be easier to manage (TMI?).

A sermon kept my attention today while I worked, and affected me. It was about Jesus asking the lame man "Do you want to be well? ...then you must get up, pick up your mat and walk." We (I) can get comfortable/ lazy/stagnant in our needy (sinful) estate. I can't be satisfied on the mat. There are no excuses, no hiding from God. I must desire what Jesus is offering, I must want to be well. I don't want to settle for mediocre living when Jesus has offered abundance, I want to be well. Only He can make me well.
( South Hills Bible Chapel 1/7)

The Sermon quoted John Piper,
"The tragedy is that Satan uses the guilt of these failures to strip you of
every radical dream you ever had, or might have, and in its place give you a
happy, safe, secure, American life of superficial pleasures until you die in
your lakeside rocking chair, wrinkled and useless, leaving a big fat inheritance
to your middle-aged children to confirm them in their worldliness."
Past sins, failures, guilt, can keep you on the mat. But God has offerred abundant life, I don't want to stay on the mat.

Micah 7:8-9

8Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall
when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. 9 I will bear
the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my
cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look
upon his vindication.

God does speak in the barn.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mom's Thoughts on Sundays & Christmas II

Today started early, up at 6 to practice at church. Late night Steeler game, ugh... Steeler fans what'd you think of that nailbiter? Deflating. After the game there was last minute cleanup, in preparation for family to arrive after church. Anyway, little sleep last night. But rose "bright eyed and bushy tailed" praying in the shower for help to worship.

I love Sunday. I love to be with my family, extended through our adoption into God's family: I love to go church. I don't know what your experience is with "church." I only know that it is the best part of my week, I come each Sunday needy and weak, and God meets me, refreshes and restores. I bring nothing (but my mucky, sinful heart) and God gives everything, what love. When my attention is turned to this Holy God, I see my need of a Savior and I am humbled. How He then changes the mess in my heart (that I can't even understand,) it seems a mystery...and I am free. Soaring in joyful worship. So I will say boldly today, only the blood of Christ can create this miracle in my heart, in any heart. Oh, I hope you will love Sunday too.

Church, then home to do last minute tasks, then the family arrived for Christmas II with Barry's siblings. It was a warm, friendly, peace-filled gathering (with lots of good food.) We were so happy to be able to share our home and spend time together.

Day is done, the new week begins...
Let's see what new adventures await.
G'Night All

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Way to much time with my computer today! Live chatted with about 5 tech geeks, uninstalling and installing, everything a mucky mess, I am blogging. So alls well that ends well, I'm online. Didn't meet today's intended daily goals, that's OK. The dishes are done, all creatures, and people fed, SOME laundry done and Sara embarked into Algebra, organic Chemistry, and decided to write her research paper on Woodpeckers. Sara loves birds, birdwatching and reading about them. We enjoy watching them on the feeder on our porch. Tomorrow is major cleanup day for visiting family on Sunday, maybe you. It is great to know that God is near even as I type this. He numbers each keystroke, and cares for each care on each heart that reads this. How awesome. G' Night.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nice to have this time together!

We're all enjoying having Matthew home from G.C. The novelty has worn off enough for the kids to start picking on each other again. The "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing is very beneficial to the sibling relationship, but it does seem to be wearing off a bit now that they've been back together for a while. Anyway here's a not so great, but recent, pic of the kids during tree decorating.

Today is colder still. It was twenty-two in the barn this a.m. when mom fed the equines. Tonight it's down to 11 degrees. Brrr. Florida is sounding appealing 'bout now. Really, we've had little cold weather to speak of and the 5 day says near 60 in a few days, so hangin' on for that. Not a lot going on here, a slow hop back into the wonderful world of homeschooling. Percents in math. Sara's eagerly watching the mail for a birdsong book and some new Nancy Drew's. Matthew's even studying ahead in chem/physics??? (spending more time on Facebook.) A brief bow & arrow trek for dad after work, and mom's off to worship practice. Grateful for the mercys' of God in the mundane of life. Reminding us to pray for those many folks who come to mind... that are in a crisis, rather than the mundane.

Here's a picture that tickles the funny bone, our goofy dog, Dakota, thought our rotten pumpkin looked a lot like a ball! He's about 2 yrs old and lots of pup still in him. He's been mischieveous lately, picking up little things, like today... Sara's glittery purple pencil, the favorite, then chewing them up.

Below is our old doggie Nika(14), with Josh the cat, Peace on earth for the pets, under the Christmas tree.

Well, too many pet pics for 1 day, but pets are everywhere at the farm! Matthew says he'll post his "official" picture soon. Well, stay warm Northerners, and G'night!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

G'Night Day One

Well, the ponies and people are all snug in their beds. It is chhhhilly out there. Not quite cold enough for me to blanket all the horsies. We usually wait for the single digits for that, and we'll probably hit the teens tonight. It will be a big production with so many (5) horses in the barn this year. Hubby is asleep, early to rise for work. Sara's still up reading Nancy Drew, her new reading interest. And Matthew is likely doing something on his computer. Tomorrow Sara and I get serious about schoolwork after a long vacation. Today was "clean up from vacation day," and some reading. Tomorrow, math etc... Well, I spent half the day on this blog, learning the ins and outs. Probably shouldn't have taken so long, uploading issues. So grateful for the chance to do this, can't believe we really get high-speed out here in the boonies now! I thought it would be years from now. Hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve/Day. We took the kids to a local Christian roller skate party, then watched the ball drop on New Years Eve. New Years day we hosted game night with friends, lots of fun and laughs. Well it's late, bible, then bed. A Joyous New Year to all!

Welcome to our Page

Welcome Everyone, to the Maiden Voyage of our Family Blog! Hoping this will be a place for friends and family to mingle, "catch-up," post some pictures etc... So, come on out to our farm for a while in cyberspace, right now that's a lot warmer than the actual farm! It's 2o something outside. Well, speaking of the family farm, this first post will have to be short because outside a little spotted pony is whinnying for his dinner. So I'm off to face the cold and see the friendly beasts in our happy little barn. Stay warm while I'm gone!