Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Beautiful Sunset by Sara

We had such a beautiful sunset tonight, it drew Sara out into the bitter cold to snap some pics, no gloves, brrr. She really enjoys photography, comes by it honestly. Both my dad and mom have been photographers and Barry really enjoys it as well, though he hasn't had time to develop it as he'd like. So, here are a few she took out beyond our family room doors, toward the barn.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
Those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs. You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. Ps65:8
It is still very cold and we have a pretty cover of snow, a bit more to come tomorrow, maybe an inch. We're cheering for a bit more since we haven't had enough for sledding or x-country skiing yet. Sara's feet have probably grown large for her boots though, so that will slow the skiing. We'll see. She loves to ski. I wasn't able to do much skiing last year, due to some knee issues, so hoping to get out this winter. Mattthew is settled in to school and reports that he likes his new profs. He's enjoying himself because he read ahead in his books over break and now he's "kickin' back" while his friends are reading. Well, it took forever to download those pictures, so now it's way past my bedtime.


Elaine said...

It truly is beautiful. There is something very "grounding" about nature. I read several of you posts, you write beautifully, almost poetically, IMO. Thanks for sharing you moments with me! Elaine

Johanna said...

Hi Lady,
It's so nice to visit with you here on our blog, thanks for visiting. Think of you guys often. If you'd like a farm vacation sometime let us know, we'd love to have you up. Thanks also for your sweet words!

spiceygirl said...

What a beautiful sunset!! Sara is such a talented young lady!!! I Love your site, so cool!! We are so thankful that God has gifted us with you as part of our family! you are all so special to us, thanks for being in our lives!!! give the horsies kisses from us! bella misses them and is anxious for spring again to ride w/ cousin Sara!!! i'm anxious to just ride! Briana is back to college as well! i was looking at the pics of her & matthew together, and WOW, they look a lot alike!! crazy! and he's grown into such a handsome young man, i can't believe him & Bri are all grown up & off to college............but it's great to watch them stretch their wings and begin to soar! anyway, gettin closer to my bedtime, will keep in touch, and now i can post more comments for ya! Randy and i are tossing around ideas for blogs!! LOL, so be watching........hehehe
Suzanne & the gang

Johanna said...

Thanks for looking! Looking forward to seeing yours! Thanks for your kind encouragement, we miss you! We'll have to emerge from our hibernation for a visit soon. G'Night to you

spiceygirl said...

Hey lady, i got myself a blog!!! lol, how do i invite ppl to come look at it? i was figuring everything else out, except that!!! the URL is TheWhitesHouse, at whatever that is..... (it was randy's idea for the name, i will be making a horsie one later)...check it out if you can from that, then leave me a comment as to how i can invite ppl to view it, PLEASE!! ttyl lov ya, thx bunches!