Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lazarus lived the abundant life

Not a lot of news today, a normal day at home with school, farm work and household chores. Still nursing the wounded horse; Helping Sara grapple with basic chemistry (in biology). She's doing a cool osmosis experiment, dissolving the shell off of an egg, then seeing how it's membrane allows things to pass to and fro, the egg expanding, contracting expanding....pretty cool; Preparing for my upcoming writing class and making sure Matthew's laundry is ready to leave with him on Sunday (boo, hoo... to him leaving, the laundry can go). Barry played volleyball tonight, it wasn't their night. Speaking of boo hoo...

Why did Jesus weep at Lazarus' death? Today I had that question hit me several times, in a devotional, then later the exact same text from John 11 on a radio show. The teachers had different angles, but I knew for me, God had something to say. When He repeats himself I need to take notice. It seems that in God's loving compassion for us, Jesus wept, angry at death and it's effects of pain and suffering, on us, his children. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Christ died to accomplish that victory. Now, I must respond and put off the old, dead (stinkin' in the ground) self and be made new... put on the new self. I cannot bring about change in myself, but I must make the decision to put on this abundant life Christ died to give. How do you imagine Lazarus lived life after being resurrected by Jesus? Did he go back to life as usual? I doubt it. I want to passionately pursue God as though Jesus had done for me what he did for Lazarus, because he did. I'm so grateful that God would say something to me twice just to remind me.

Praying for Jon, he had surgery today~ G'Night

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