Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saying goodbye

BRRRRRRR.......It is cold here! It's 9 degrees, -4 windchill, for my friends in FL, that should cool you off just thinking about it. Just watched the Giants beat the Packers in Green Bay where the temp is 4 below. You may have noted from my frequent references to cold, that I really prefer warmth. I really enjoy looking out the window at beautiful snowy scenery. I DO have to go out in the cold 2x daily to care for the friendly beasts in the barn. It is such a wonderful blessing to have our animals so close to the house. Funny how far it seems to the barn when I don't want to go out in the cold, like tonight. But, I did. The horses are all snuggled in their blankets (a horse coat.) They were very happy that I ventured out. Sara tested the waters, so to say today. Our pond is frozen solid and she was drawn to it, skating in her shoes. Maybe we'll get the skates out tomorrow. How blessed we are by God to have warm homes to live in. I cannot imagine trying to survive out in the elements like our pioneer ancestors. God's care for me extends far beyond the warmth of my home though. He cares for my soul. And now He is preparing a place for me with Him where I will always enjoy the warmth of His love. In this world there is trouble, hardship and cold, but for those who trust in Christ a better place awaits.

Our big news of the day was saying goodbye, again, to our son. Back to college after a long, relaxing visit. Matthew assisted his non-techie parents with various wiring projects before departing. Loaded the car as though he was moving out for good. He is always missed when he leaves ... he is pleasure to have around. This afternoon he said goodbye to his high-school buddies and later was greeted with a hearty welcome by his dorm brothers. This semester chemistry, more calculus, and the rest I can't remember at this moment. He made it through his first semester successfully and is more prepared to face the second. Sara did better this time, she always gets weepy when he goes. I'll miss him more tomorrow when the house is quiet. I'm thankful that we had such a long visit and that the next one is only a month away. Isn't God kind to give us families.
G'Night All

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