Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer whizzes on

"Cousins on one of our FAMOUS horsie road trips!"
The summer has sped by, I cannot believe it has been a month since I posted, nor can I believe that my son will be heading back to school next week. We spend a LOT of time outside in the summer, and riding horses. It's a busy season as Equestrian sports are focused in the summer months. Although I always seem to think life will slow down in the summer, it really never seems to. Sara had a pony show last weekend, she did very well, lots of ribbons and, myself and I have one this Sat. showing Intro levels dressage. I did the same levels last year, so it will be interesting to see if we've improved at all according to the judges.

I had to update my family info as we've had a lot of changes. Flashy the horse was "sold," to a nice young lady who plans to begin showing him right away. Nika, beloved pup of many years was laid to rest under the hemlock trees. One of the three spring kittens disappeared. And momma cat returned home "with kitty" and shortly after had seven more kittens. It's easy to see how the cat population gets out of control. We took in one stray who has produced three litters in the year she's been here, ugh. I was relieved that she was alive when she returned after a month+, but it was tempered by the big belly. Sara's happy, she's always happy when there are babies.

I had the opportunity to travel to Gaithersburg for our churches bi-annual worship conference. It was a great time of teaching, worship and a little r&r for mom. Matthew had his BS Eagle ceremony, and is official. It was a very nice ceremony with Matthew style. After the ceremony, Sara spent a week with my mom & and step dad in VA swimming and having lots of fun.
I met Sara in VA afterward and had a little girl time with my mom. Barry, Sara, and I hope to travel to SC in a month, but have no arrangements to care for our horses and pets yet, so we're praying, we could really use a vacation. Finding suitable horse care isn't an easy task.

School is coming way too soon, as I haven't even tackled the mess in my school room from last school year. I really need the Lord's help to order my time wisely, it's spread thin. God is gracious and always helps me to prepare. Well folks, that's the update, next time I'll try to be witty or helpful :)


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