Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gods Love is Beyond Measure

Hello Dear Ones,
Much change on the farm to report. Matthew has returned for his sophomore year at Grove City College. He's nicely settled in, we know that because he hasn't called. No news is usually good news with him. We'll catch up on the weekend. It was easier to part this year, for all, especially sister who had a rough goodbye last Fall.

Flashy the horse has left the scene as I mentioned in the last post, the young lady who bought him has begun to show him and got champion in her first show. We're glad he's back to work. Here he is doing what he loves.....

He has just been replaced in our barn with a more suitable mount for Sara. We are so thrilled and grateful to the Lord to have Zoe's Paint Collision join the horsie family. She is a sorrel/white pinto mare with lots of experience, she is 14.2 hands which is one inch short of horse. This means she can be shown as a pony. She is the sweetest lady, and Sara is soooo happy. Here they are:

Zoey arrived on Sunday. On Saturday, Sara showed her little pony Ricky at a local hunter/jumper show (while dad moved Matthew to college.) She placed 2nd and 3rd out of 24 entries and received reserve champion in her division (short stirrup: cantering over a course of 18"-2ft fences.) This was the pony's first time cantering the jumps at a show and they both did awesome! We hope to have pictures soon (mom forgot the camera, and is getting pics from others.) Here's a little itty bitty one, get your glasses out! I'll get a bigger one.
Sara will likely compete in one more show before the season ends (end of Sept.) Show season has been busy but Sara will be starting school next Monday, and so we're working hard this week preparing with school room organization...transitioning to school mode. I'll sign off with one more picture, a favorite, depicting dad's role in all of this horse-show stuff....what a trooper!

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