Tigger has not been a wanderer, because he is so very fearful, he has stayed close to home. But one day recently Tigger wandered, and did not return. Days went by, and then a week, and my fearful thoughts were "he's so timid, he'd never roam, he must be dead." Lots of prayers, by me and for me went up to the Father. Tears followed... for now concern was turning to grief. If you've not loved a cat you won't understand. Don't try, but I do love the kitty. We have other cats and though I love them too, but this one was special, this fearful one needed someone to love him, and I was his someone. Now, our other kitties reminded me of him and that he was gone, and sadness would wash over my heart.
Now God, my Father, had a special one too, a fearful and wicked child whom he loved, but who wandered away and disregarded the love he had offered. He knew the wicked child and whispered to the child of his love, but the child still walked away. I am the child and I left my Father, he offered his love and I rejected it and thought I could find my own way. My way left me in peril wandering in a world that cared nothing for me. The only one who truly loved me, I rejected. And the Father grieved, as I wandered. But there was someone praying, ever interceding on my behalf, someone who also died for me, to bring me home.
One morning a few days back, my husband slipped in early while I slept and with joy presented the kitty, who had come home. I scooped him up and squeezed him, and then my husband whisked him away for his "fatted-calf," of kitty chow. One reason this story affects me so, is because of this kitty's response to his homecoming. Now, we have other cats, including one that will wander for days, and return as though nothing has changed. Tigger's homecoming was different. He was starved of course, he had never been a "hunter." His little kitty spine was now protruding through, as I stroked his back. Tigger was a needy cat the day he returned. If cats can hug, that cat hugged me most of the day (I think the pic above verifies, they can.) He wanted to be held, or would lay on my lap all day long. If I would leave the room, he would follow. When he slept, he would awaken, meow, look for me and once he saw me he would settle back to sleep again, reassured that I was still there. He was a grateful kitty. Just as the prodigal son realized his folly and ran home to his Father's welcoming arms, so my Tigger had come home to me, and rested in the safety of my arms.
I've reflected this week on the grief I had caused my Heavenly Father before I accepted His love. I've realized that if I, a human, with pitifully weak reflections of love, could feel such love and loss for a cat. Oh, what had I done to my Father? And how, even now, I must grieve Him when I forget to draw near and receive the love He is just waiting to shower upon His beloved child, love He is waiting to shower upon fearful, sinful...me. How great the love of my Father, that he receives me back with no accusing, "Where were you?" or "What have you done?" Just a Father's welcoming embrace and nearness. I am looking more closely to Him now. I want to feel the embrace of the one who loves me, I am safe in these arms.
Luke 15:17 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 23 And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.

Johanna I have always loved your heart and what fun to wander with you through the thought creation process!
You make perfect sense and thank you for sharing the sweetness and love you were reminded of that is available to us all.
On a diff note, I have wanted to apologize for my behavior years ago. I was working through some tough stuff, leftover from years before. I had hoped we could've had more fun together but I was less than successful at making friends back then. I just want you to know how friendly, unique, and interesting I found you to be. Still do. :) And Yea!! Tigger!!!!
Oh Al, thanks for your sweet words. You are a dear one. Of course you're forgiven, though there was nothing I knew...only wish we'd had more time. We all have our seasons of trial. I know you are keenly aware of suffering in this life, and I'm sure could teach me SO MUCH about finding joy in suffering. I want you to know... that joy and truth shines thru! Love & hugs
OK no more making me cry:) You're right though. I was so full of fear when I was not following God, but the closer I've drawn to Him, the lesser my fears become. Now it's trusting my children into His hands as they leave me to find their way in the world. And my prayer is that they know the LORD and trust Him and have peace in Him. Love ya, Johanna
Sorry to make ya cry, but I'm hoping it was a good cry, so maybe (??)I'm glad I made ya cry ;) Releasing your kiddos to the world is WAY bigger than my kitty story, trusting God with not only their lives but their souls. We're just heading into those waters. So many years of protecting, caring for, and helping them along and then...release,a joyful, painful thing. God is faithful and loves our kids infinitely more than we ever could, resting there. Thanks Deb.
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