Hay Day by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/becca3k/559911545/
A quick goodnight to someone, someone I know perhaps. I just popped up to kiss the teen daughter on the head as she was finishing the final touches on the hair that's going to bed. One must always look their best for the pillow and dream-time adventures.
Another rather ordinary day on the farm, a bit gloomy and cool outside, which helped make us content to be in. That was good, as the "in-work" needed attention. Much did get attention, but as usual, much was left undone...the more-pressing, pressed and compressed time. Studies in Mendelian genetics, to be tested soon, presided. But the dishes are done and I picked up (not literally) two hundred and fifty pounds of oats and 50lb of corn at the feed store. Actually, my hubby did pick them up tonight as they needed to be unloaded into the barn. As I head to bed, I'll ponder any heavy load I may need to lay down, and then rest in the one who will carry it and carry me. Ps 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.
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