Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Little Orphan Annie

Annie is the little kitty in the photo above and on the right in the photo below. Her name has become prophetic as she truly is now a little orphan Annie. Her mommy and all 6 of her sibs went to the humane society today. It was so hard to leave them all, but it is for the best as we are not capable of caring for this many kitties. It's hard for my tender hearted daughter to understand the whys, although we did our best to explain. Little Annie had won our hearts as the runt and so was the priveleged "lonely only" to stay behind. Even the hubby is quite taken with the little dear. She snuggled up on his chest tonight for over an hour, so cute. Then we had the difficult task of returning her to the cold, lonely barn, encouraging the 2 older kitties to stay with her. Hopefully they will. Annie has been adopted, and we pray that all the others will find new homes as well. We still have too many cats, but it's a bit more manageable now. Annie was the smallest, weakest, frailest and so we felt compassion for her. I also am adopted, by my Father in heaven. There was nothing lovely about me that would distinguish me to be chosen by Him. In fact I was not merely a runt, I was opposed to God, living life as I pleased. It was only His mercy, and love toward me that could turn my heart toward Him. Like Annie, I was given a second chance because Christ, my substitute, paid the penalty for my opposition to God. I am loved, adopted and part of a family. Thank you Father.
Gal4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
Rom 8:15 you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I AM a Crazy Cat Lady

Annie and Mindy (I think)

How many cats must you have before you become... The Crazy Cat Lady? I'm not sure, however I must be inching close to it. It's amazing how saving one stray from starvation can become so out of control. It's no wonder we have such a problem with unwanted pets in our country. This stray lurked around our house, in snow and winter, when you really feel for any creature being "out." But we didn't see her again until last spring. Actually, we first discovered her nest of new kitties under a pile of boards...then we met her. We found homes for all but one of these little kitties, Scout, who was to be the "barn cat.' Well, thanks to a human friend, Scout discovered that he preferred the life of a house cat and joined the three house cats we already had (now he's out more than in). We planned to have mamma spayed...but Savannah disappeared and then reappeared pregnant early this spring, the vet declared her not "with kitty," but he was mistaken (as we thought). Only three kittens were born to this litter, one had died, and later one vanished. So, two were added to the numbers, India and Tigger (they get fixed this month.) Savannah, we were determined, would be caught and spayed, however, she ditched the kittens and then vanished herself. A month later she returned to repeat the cycle, with a litter of 7 born under our barn's overhang at the end of this summer. These, I do not know by name, as they must go (ok, I do know one's name, Annie,the runt.) The total cat population is 13, however I'm only claiming 6. Savannah is still a stray, wandering onto the farm when she likes and then disappearing. Sometimes the kittens disappear with her, sometime she leaves a few, sometimes she leaves them all behind. We've planned twice to take them to the humane society, but someone must have told the mamma cat, as she takes the kitties and runs when the one of two days per month you can take them rolls around. This Monday we'll try again, IF the kittens aren't AWOL again. Two are missing right now, and five are in my barn, so we'll see. We've always been committed to spay/neuter our cats. We've had to get shots/and neuter three of her brood already, and hopefully that will be the end. I will never again judge a crazy cat family, it's so easy for it to snowball. Stay tuned next week to see if the kitties have vanished again before their appointment with destiny. Ugh. Let's hope not. By the way, if you want to adopt a kitten, you know who to call.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Day is Done

Hay Day
Hay Day by:

A quick goodnight to someone, someone I know perhaps. I just popped up to kiss the teen daughter on the head as she was finishing the final touches on the hair that's going to bed. One must always look their best for the pillow and dream-time adventures.
Another rather ordinary day on the farm, a bit gloomy and cool outside, which helped make us content to be in. That was good, as the "in-work" needed attention. Much did get attention, but as usual, much was left undone...the more-pressing, pressed and compressed time. Studies in Mendelian genetics, to be tested soon, presided. But the dishes are done and I picked up (not literally) two hundred and fifty pounds of oats and 50lb of corn at the feed store. Actually, my hubby did pick them up tonight as they needed to be unloaded into the barn. As I head to bed, I'll ponder any heavy load I may need to lay down, and then rest in the one who will carry it and carry me.
Ps 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Autumn at Home

Some of these were from my trip to Smicksburg for horse supplies yesterday. I'm about to run to the barn, as I see our horses in the pasture are getting restless to be fed. They get testy with each other when they're hungry, as do many of us as well. Our deepest need today however is to be fed with the food which our hearts are most hungry and restless for...the one that was offered at the last supper. It is Christ himself that will satisfy our needy hearts today. He waits for us to come, the table is already prepared with everything we need. If you find your heart restless and testy... waiting to be satisfied, come to Him. He has everything you need. Now, I must go and feed my herd.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Indian Summer

We've been experiencing the most beautiful stretch of warm, sunny fall days, followed by chilly evenings. The farm is truly ablaze with color, I'd say this year the leaves are more vivid than usual. Someone said "It's because the weather's been dry." I don' have a clue about the science behind it, but it is a feast for the eyes. I love to take a drive just to see the different scenes as colors pop around each new turn. I'll be going to take one soon. I have to drive to Smicksburg for some horse supplies, which I buy in an Amish community. The drive will be good for the eyes and the soul.

What a contrast is this beauty with the the dingy darkness that remains in my heart. I'm waiting for the day when this heart becomes only a thing of beauty, "when I see Him face to face." But for now, it is still not worthy of display. Any beauty within is His grace. Today it was "colored" with anger, something special which I had made, was destroyed because of someone else's lack of care...and my colors enraged, like a cauldron of poison. Instead of responding with the kindness and grace I've already received through Christ, I responded with sin and I did not oppose the sin, I gave vent to it. The result... I hurt someone I love. I am desperately needy of help to fight this impulse to retaliate when hurt. The good news is that I am deeply sorry for my sin, and I have been pardoned. And I do not battle the impulses of my dingy heart alone. I know that He is as able to make my heart as lovely as the landscape
he paints with these breathtaking autumn colors. Praise be to Him.
Phillipians 1:6 I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Autumn arrival

Last weekend Sara had her first show with Zoey, her new horse. This was what is known as a "fun" show as it involves games on horseback, like an egg and spoon race, catalog race flag race, pole bending, costume class and a trail class (which is like a horse/rider obstacle course.) They also had jumper classes in which you are timed jumping over a course of fences. It started out as a hot, sunny day, and abruptly ended with a deluge of rain during the show. In between sun and rain, Sara and Zoey had fun and learned a bit about each other. They're still getting to know each other. They earned a number of ribbons, jumped well and had a lot of fun dressing up as gypsy/gypsy horse.

Sara enjoyed going off alone with dad on a trail ride at the beginning of this week. The latter part of the week we've had rain. School and home filled this week. We'll visit the son at college this weekend, toting another load of "stuff," junk-food and love. He's been very busy with his studies, but still has a little time to enjoy swing dancing, a little ballroom dance, x-treme Frisbee, and Inter-varsity Christian fellowship.

The leaves are just beginning to paint the landscape with their warm colors. The smell and chill of autumn are in the air. Change is in the air, am I ready? We have to make preparations for the winter with so many creatures dependent upon us. If we aren't diligent they will die. The barn is filled with hay, the new water hydrant is ready for the freeze that is sure to come, but some barn repairs still need attention before the snow flies. I think of the effort it takes to care for our little farm and then think of the billions and billions of creatures which our creator must sustain. I am so relieved to have a God with unlimited resources of strength, wisdom, love and all things....caring for us.

Ps 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,
for those who fear him have no lack!
10 The young lions suffer want and hunger;
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.