Life looks as though it may settle in a bit now. I guess it has already, although we're going from one major event to the next. We've all recovered from the horse show and are looking ahead to Youth Camp '08 which starts today. Matthew also has his very 1st job interview today! He's applying for an internship with a local company that employs electrical engineers (RF stuff.) He's got the suit all ready to go. Say a prayer if you read this. It would be a really great opportunity for him as we live in the boonies, and it is amazing that there is such a company in close proximity. I'll update when we hear, though Youth Camp week is always hectic.
The Camp is for the youth of our church and two others. Other churches were involved in past years, but we've outgrown the facility and had to downsize. Barry and I have been attending for the past few years, usually helping with the team strategy games. We take our camper up and stay. Last year I ran back and forth to camp, as I needed to care for the horses, but that was quite exhausting. Sooo, I'm thinking I may not be AS involved this year, as Matthew is going to help out (he's too old now.) Camp is a wonderful time for the kids to really meet God head-on, and many kids become followers of Christ or deepen their commitment to him as a result of God's Spirit at work. I'm praying that many kids will have life as they've known it, renewed.
Is 54: 13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
and great shall be the peace of your children.
17b This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”
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