Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Prayer Answered!

Our Kitties
I'm going to try to blog a bit about our kitties. The tears are flowing, and come and go for both myself and Sara. We had a glorious week at Youth Camp. I drove back and forth as planned, everyone else camped there. Everything was fine and dandy here at home until I discovered, when I was going out to feed the horses, that our cat Misty was dead. She lay beside the house, with no sign of trauma, like she went to sleep. It was such a sudden blow, as she was plump, healthy and happy. She was dear to us. We've had her for about 5 years, she was Sara's Birthday kitty soon after we moved from Baltimore to PA. She was a bit timid, but as sweet as kitty's come, always ready for a snuggle or scratch. She was the mama figure to all of our indoor cats (4), grooming and caring for them. She liked to lay her furry bod in my face in the morning so I had cat hair up my nose, never mind the allergies. She had the funniest habit of playing with laundry in the night hours, and every morning we'd wake to find an assortment, of dirty and clean socks under our dining room table. That's the beginning of the story.
The mama cat, Savannah seen in my earlier blog has been missing since Youth Camp started last Wednesday. She is our "barn cat." At first I didn't think much of her disappearance, but after finding Misty, I realized she may also be gone. Barn cats do wander, and I thought she might need a break from her kittens. They're 12 weeks old and were a bit annoying, wanting to nurse when too big. Fortunately they're fine (so far) and don't need mama. Savannah appeared here on and off before deciding to "keep us." We'd see her out in the snow, a grey kitty ghost, longing for a home. She found one here, when she decided to have litter of kittens by our barn. She has/had a very sweet personality for a homeless cat. She loved attention and being held, and readily allowed humans to help with her brood. All of last years kittens found new homes except Scout, the would be barn cat, turned house cat. Scout is the perfect big brother to the motherless kittens and actually was sitting for them the first few days of Savannah's absence. That's not the end of the story either.
Finally there is Selah, and though she was not my favorite, she was my daughter's so it is doubly painful seeing your child, a fierce animal lover, go through so much loss at once. Selah was Sara's kitty from the start, they chose each other. She started life as an OH stray, but came to us to by my sister. She has a kitty that looks similar, and we asked if the stray ever had any kitties like him again, we'd like one...we got two, thanks sis. Everyone who likes cats liked these two, they are just beautiful... creamy white with grey markings, like a Siamese or Rag doll. Selah is our purrer. She's always purring. She loved to snuggle. She also loved to wander the far corners of our farm, she was adventurous, but also the princess. She's one of the few creatures that could continue to have favor (be allowed in the house.) despite her tendency to wee-wee in the wrong place, like Sara's closet and any open bag or boxlike thing. She was bad, but she was so sweet that we allowed her to live on in her princess style. She has been missing now for several days too. Sara is still hopeful, and we've encouraged her to pray as we have too, but still trying to ease her gently into the possibility that she is gone. This is a tribute to little kitty lives, part of our family, that God created and took back to himself, at just the right time, although right now it is so very hard. If you're not or haven't been a cat person, all of this sadness and reflection may seem overblown, cat people will understand. Our God is Good, he gives and takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord. All He does is right and good and we give our kitty friends to Him.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Youth Camp Here We Come!

Life looks as though it may settle in a bit now. I guess it has already, although we're going from one major event to the next. We've all recovered from the horse show and are looking ahead to Youth Camp '08 which starts today. Matthew also has his very 1st job interview today! He's applying for an internship with a local company that employs electrical engineers (RF stuff.) He's got the suit all ready to go. Say a prayer if you read this. It would be a really great opportunity for him as we live in the boonies, and it is amazing that there is such a company in close proximity. I'll update when we hear, though Youth Camp week is always hectic.
The Camp is for the youth of our church and two others. Other churches were involved in past years, but we've outgrown the facility and had to downsize. Barry and I have been attending for the past few years, usually helping with the team strategy games. We take our camper up and stay. Last year I ran back and forth to camp, as I needed to care for the horses, but that was quite exhausting. Sooo, I'm thinking I may not be AS involved this year, as Matthew is going to help out (he's too old now.) Camp is a wonderful time for the kids to really meet God head-on, and many kids become followers of Christ or deepen their commitment to him as a result of God's Spirit at work. I'm praying that many kids will have life as they've known it, renewed.
Is 54: 13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
and great shall be the peace of your children.
17b This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sara Shows Off

Today was show day for Sara and Ricochet. We traveled to a local hunter/jumper show, where Sara competed in about 11 classes. The first video was from a class in which she took a blue ribbon. The second from a beginner hunter class. We're all very pleased with Sara and with the pony, as was Sara. He was the perfect pony today and she rode him well. She especially enjoyed the gaming (courses like barrel racing and pole bending.) My nieces and Sara's good friend Elizabeth competed too, which makes it a lot of fun. Sara ribboned in 10 of twelve classes (?I believe) with a variety of colors/places. It was a wonderful opportunity for her to see her hard work, and some trials end with reward. She had a hard ride yesterday (naughty pony), and so wasn't going to do all that she did today. We discussed the need to have faith, that God cared for her in this and about our need for prayer. She was able to do far more than she expected. So, a joyous ending.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Crazy, busy week

It's that time of year that sends homeschooling moms all across the great commonwealth of PA into a frenzied drive to get those portfolios done and evaluations BEHIND them. Many of my dear homeschooling mom/friends have already crossed the great divide and are on the other side, sitting in the sun by the pool with their icy lemonade. Not I, no I must savor and hold on to the school year as long as possible (hogwash.) No, I just procrastinate. I wait too long to schedule my eval. which means I have no incentive to get the portfolio done UNTIL I make the call, which I did. My very sweet friend/evaluator informed me that if I called a week later, uh oh, I would have missed the boat. Which would be as I deserved. Actually we've been done with school (minus the two bio questions we finished today,) since the end of May. So, Friday we go do the deed, have the evaluation that will signify the true onset of summer, aaahhhh. Then we'll rush home, work the pony, bathe and polish the pony and hope the pony stays that way until morning. Sat. a.m. he and Sara go to a horse show, hopefully he'll be jumping small jumps. Hopefully, I say because sometimes simple things can frighten a pony. Between now and then I must do final touch-ups on the portfolio, get our messy house cleaned up and get all our horse show stuff in order. That's my week. We'll see how the Lord transforms it.
I'm grateful for breathing, as that has been much better lately. Last month was a BAD asthma month, after much prayer and new drugs, I'm feeling much better. I'm grateful that the Lord was with me. I was never alone. I know he'll also be with me in my busy week (and yours.. whatever it holds.)
Pic is of Ricky and Sara, she'll be showing him Sat.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Just for Laughs
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