Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Quick Hello

A quick hello to everyone out there, its late and I should be sleeping (actually it's early.) Barry's had the flu for 5 days, which alters life at home. He's been off from work Friday and today. Hope's to go back tomorrow (though when they hear him hack in the next cubicle, they'll likely want him to go back where he came from.) He is feeling much better. Sara was sick before him, but not as sick. I have a touch of something, but praying that'll be all. We had new kitties arrive about the same time as the flu. We took our "fat" barn cat to the vet for shots, the doc said, "Oh no, she's not pregnant." Well, she kept growing and a few weeks later... three little striped kitties. We planned to have her fixed but thought she was already pregnant...too late. She lost two kittens, 5 total, 3 live. Sara cared for dad and horses on Saturday so I could travel to Pittsburgh for a homeschool conference. The best part was hanging out with some wonderful lady friends. The Lord has been speaking in many ways, even gave me a song at 5 a.m. yesterday. Seems like He likes to talk to me in the wee hours when I really need to hear. I used to write a lot of songs, however this is the first in a long time- but it's not near to done yet. Well, off to sleep, sweet dreams dear ones.... I'll try to write again soon, and I have pictures to post too.


Sandy kimmel said...

Congrats on the kitties. Sorry about Barry. Cool about the song. Vet was here today, Dory can go out in the round pen, with the help of a little sedation...a step forward.

Johanna said...

Glad to hear Dory's coming along. Bunnie's doing well too. She's out running with the crew. Should be good horsie weather! Barry's doing better, went to work today~thanks