If I didn't suffer,
would I still look to you?
If I never felt a pain,
what would I then do?
Would I lean upon myself,
be my own balm and might?
And blindly walk along, never needing,
never knowing it was night.
But kindly, you have loved me,
and have given me a thorn.
I'm sure I would not choose it,
but that would be so wrong.
A gift of love it makes me need,
and long for help and cry,
To the only one who can really see
because He is the light.
I cry for help, his balm is sweet,
He comes quickly to my side.
Because I come in lowliness,
I will not be denied.
God is so kind to allow his people to suffer. Pain is used by God to keep me from wandering away. I know that I tend to become so self sufficient, but in his mercy he gives each of us trials: pain, suffering, loneliness and griefs in life that we, at the time, do not usually desire or understand. These are threads that He uses to hold us to himself, to keep us from wandering, thinking more of ourselves than we ought and being satisfied in small things. They show us our dependence upon Him. I know that I won't go looking for them, but when they come may I remember why.

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