My own sight of the precious blood is for my comfort; but it is the LORD's sight of it which secures my safety. Even when I am unable to behold it, the LORD looks at it and passes over me because of it. If I am not so much at ease as I ought to be, because my faith is dim, yet I am equally safe because the LORD's eye is not dim, and He sees the blood of the great Sacrifice with steady gaze. What a joy is this! ~C. H. SpurgeonOften, I find my faith becoming dim. I just don't "feel" close to God. I am distracted, self-absorbed, prone to wander. I'm not looking at what Christ's sacrifice has won. What a comfort it is that my security is never in question because I feel far off from God. I have been purchased by this blood, I am his child. I am safe because He always sees me covered by the blood of Christ. Even when I am not looking, He is... and he sees Christ's blood instead of my sinful, wandering heart. I came upon this quote tonight, and I am so grateful to God for his mercy. I am not less secure when I sin, because of how I am seen by God. This knowledge frees me from living under condemnation, which just paralyzes. The security grants freedom to live for Him without fear. It isn't security to do what I want, but security which frees me to serve Him.
What do you need to do to have this security? You must turn to Christ, admit that you have sinned, turn away from your sin and toward God. Talk to Him. There is no security outside of this, because only the blood of Christ can remove the punishment that we all have earned for living our lives as we pleased... without Him (this is what sin is). If you're reading this, maybe it is because you were meant to. As a Christian you will gain this security, you will know this joy.
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