Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Great Game!

Well, I'm sure my brother-in-law will disagree with me, but wow, what a game! I do feel his pain, however, I must confess rejoicing with each sack Tom Brady received last night. This is the only appropriate response for a Steeler fan (and probably every other NFL team fan!) Sorry, can't be sad that the near-perfect record is only near perfect. In the end it comes down to that one 60 minute game. Anyway, it was a nail biter till the wonderful end.
We made it in the door just in time for the game last night after, a long and happy day. Got up early, and headed north, to a place in the middle of nowhere called Fairview...went to visit White Stone church. A warm and friendly greeting, time of worship and fellowship were enjoyed. They spared us a McDonalds run with their kind hospitality and homemade soup. It was a sweet time. After our goodbyes, we continued northward to vistit Matthew at college. Actually we were delivering/picking up his "stuff," running to Walmart for him, and visiting briefly. He had a lot of studying to do, so we hung out, hugged and were headed south again.
On Saturday Barry and Sara tried out the rail sled on our icy driveway, I heard happy squeals as I saw a flash of Sara flying down the hill. That should have been my clue that this pursuit was not intended for "mature, ie. over forty"women such as I. Nevertheless, after being lulled into a false sense of security by my family, looking at me like "mom's a big chicken..." I proceeded to do what i should not have done, got on a rail sled, on a steep hill which was solid ice. Despite dragging the feet behind, I flew! Unfortunately, my steering skills must be lacking. I was really trying to steer away from the tree which I was about to crash into, but not until the second before I hit did I bail. I lay there for effect, as well as for pain, as my family approached with a mix of concern and mockery. I hoisted myself up and found I was still alive, which I do consider a miracle. I did shred my ski pants, but no blood, yea! The past two days the back/neck have been an issue though, and went through all of yesterday's fun with a related headache. But considering the headache I thought I might have, I'll deal with this. I am praying, cause it's slowing me down. I'll wait for snow next time, that ice stuff, uh, uh, not for me. Life is precious. Anyway, I can't say G'night, like usual, since I'm actually writing in the DAYtime, amazing. So, I'll say,

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