Introducing: The Life and Times of a small horse farm, it's human and animal family,living in the middle of the big woods of Pennsylvania. We're all journeying through life, enjoying the blessings of a great God, he has revealed His great love for us in His Son!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Disappointment, His Appointment

Gotta post quick as it's time for the horsies to have their breakfast soon. It is a beautiful cool morning here on the farm. Monday is generally catch-up day for me, after a weekend of family activities which don't usually include laundry or washing pots and pans. Saturday was weed whacking day for me and putting in hay for the guys. Dear friends visited for dinner and kindly helped with getting the hay in. The evening ended around the campfire.

We also discovered that our mare was lame, which was a huge concern and disappointment. She had had a problem with the other knee last summer and we've doctored, then rested her and she's been doing well, though a bit slower than prior. We've been trying to sell her as a brood mare, and even have considered giving her away, to the right home. However, until we see what's up with the knee the mare can't go anywhere or be bred. She's getting an anti-inflammatory, and we'll be checking in with the vet. She seemed much better last night after only 1 day on the medicine, so we'll see how it goes.
Had wonderful encouragement about facing disappointment yesterday at church which was so specific to "our moment," that I could not help but feel loved and comforted by God. I spend far too much time reasoning in my little brain about how to save myself from the unpleasant or unexpected in life, when God wants me to run to Him. My lack of faith is a sin ever before me, but His grace is ready to pour out his comfort, love and peace when disappointment stabs my heart. He is in control.
From Psalm 54:
1 O God, save me by your name,
and vindicate me by your might.

O God, hear my prayer;
give ear to the words of my mouth.

4 Behold, God is my helper;
the Lord is the upholder of my life.

7 For he has delivered me from every trouble,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What's up at the farm

Lots of goings on here. We had a very busy weekend putting in 100 bales of hay on Saturday, then off to a wedding for some dear young folks. Sunday after church we went to see a horse, a prospect for Sara. The pony above is dearly loved and Sara does well with him but he is too small for her as a show horse.
We've been working very hard at trying to sell a few horses.

Matthew has been quite productive over the past few weeks. He has been designing project brochures for the architectural firm where Barry is employed. He has also just been hired as an intern with a local electronics firm specializing in radio frequencing ?? I'm not really sure what it will entail, but they employ electrical engineers to do it, whatever it is. Matthew will report for full time employment on Monday, with his static free slippers. He has to leave a pair of shoes at work so as to leave the static outside and away from sensitive electronics...interesting. I'll update when I have a better idea of what he'll be doing. It is a great opportunity given the area in which we live. Hopefully he will perform well and enjoy the work...and be able to return next summer.

Sara is mid-week of cooking camp with Miss Laurie. She had Creme' Brulee (spelling ?? it's not in spell check) for breakfast this a.m. which they made yesterday. They've made blueberry pancakes Quiche Lorraine, Canoles, among other tasty treats. The family gets to go and sample on Thursday, when they will prepare a meal for us.

Barry and I have been busy planning the details for Matthew's Eagle Scout ceremony coming up on July 27th...

On the farm... Savannah the kitty has not returned. Scout, her kitten from last year's litter, has taken on big brother duty playing with the kittens and providing some company. Dad said Sara could keep her favorite kitten, India. I was going to ride my horse this evening as the weather is so beautiful, however one of his shoes seems to have slid to the side and lost it's nails, so he's out of commission until the farrier comes to call. I was looking forward to getting out to ride as we have had buckets of rain in recent days. I think we've had rain every day for a week or 2. Tomorrow it's supposed to be clear too, hurrah.

As I blog the rest of the family is out doing volunteer work at our local wildlife rescue facility, Kritter Kamp. They have two little fawns, so I know Sara will return with a happy report. The Lord is good to this family and we are so grateful.